Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Tips to keep warm during the winter months

On a cold winters day the only place you want to be (apart from a luxurious summer holiday of course) is curled up in bed. A night curled up with a good book can be one of winters great rejuvenators but sometimes it takes more than just an extra blanket to warm you up.   

There are the obvious things to try like changing to comfy, warm, flannelette sheets, and adding extra blankets, doonas or throws to your bed. A warm under blanket or sheepskin could be an alternative to the traditional electric blanket, and while these are great starting points, there is more you can do. 

Keeping a hot-water bottle or wheat pack handy is a great to warm up the sheets before jumping into bed, take a nice hot cup of warm milk or hot chocolate to bed is a great way to achieve instant warmth from the inside out. Warmer pajamas is another easy fix and bed socks will warm up your toes on even the coldest of nights. 

Try to wait to cook until everyone's home to benefit from the warmth of the oven. The heat from the oven whilst cooking a nice roast will not only warm the house but it will smell great too.

Nice thick carpets or rugs on the floor will also add layers of warmth to your bedrooms, and if you opt for rugs, you can roll them up and store them elsewhere when winter gives way to warmer weather. You might like to add a layer of thicker curtaining to keep chills at bay, especially if you have thin net curtains at your windows. 

The children of the house might appreciate the addition of a snugly teddy bear to cuddle up to over winter months, and pyjamas with feet are a great idea so that littlies stay warm even when they kick off the blankets. 

Why not treat yourself to some cute new winter slippers and a new robe so that you don’t get cold when you need to get up to check on the kids or the dog. 

Have a hot shower before rugging up in your winter woolies.

During the day open your curtains and let the sun beam through however make sure you close the curtains again before the chilled night air approaches and placing draft stoppers in doorways will help keep cold air out and whatever warmth you have in.

When you have the heater running you only need to heat the rooms you are in or will be sleeping in so close off the extra rooms. Not only will the house heat faster but you will save on you electricity/gas bill. 

If all else fails cuddle with a loved one, or to wrap yourself in your best throw rug, and treat yourself to a glass of wine. And if all else fails, a hot shower just before bed is another great option.


  1. These tips are so great! My kids sometimes catch colds during the winter season and I guess it is because of poor warming techniques. We have a heater but sometimes it is just not enough. So, thank you so much for these tips (and advised by your HVAC contractor Dallas) because it will surely help me and my family to stay warm during the cold weather.

  2. Thanks for your feedback Dianne, glad it could be of some help.
