Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Down Light Safety Awareness

Did you know some Downlights can cause fires?

Old or poorly installed ceiling down lights are thought to cause at least one house fire every week in Western Australia. They can set fire to roof insulation or timbers which burn in the roof space above smoke alarms.
These fires can go undetected until it is too late. Often, people only know their house is on fire when flaming material comes through air conditioning vents or the ceiling collapses. It makes a safe escape more difficult and causes significant damage.

What can I do to prevent a downlight fire in my home?
·         Always use a licensed electrical contractor and ask to see their Electrical Safety Certificate
·         Ask a licensed electrical contractor to inspect all downlights and transformers
·         Ensure a non-combustible or mechanical barrier is installed to prevent insulation or other combustible material covering downlights
·         Always use fittings and guards that meet Australian Standards
·         Following any work in your roof space, request your licensed electrical contractor or insulation installer to inspect all downlights
·        Consider replacing 240 volt incandescent globes with compact fluorescent globes that produce less heat
·         Consider replacing 12 volt halogen (dichroic) globes with Light Emitting Diodes (LED) that produce considerably less heat
·         Contact your property manager if you would like to have an electrician inspect or update the downlights in your investment property. 

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Tips to Bullet Proofing Your Rental Property!

When purchasing an investment property there is sometimes a need to make it more suitable for rental purposes. To ensure you are able to retain good tenants and also save money on repairs and maintenance we have listed some tips below!

1. Gardens and Lawns

As a tenant the gardens aren't always at the top of the to do list and gardening isn't everybody's cup of tea. Low maintenance gardens are becoming more and more popular so it may be time to remove plants that may be considered high maintenance. Plant hardy native plants and shrubs that require little watering and pruning. Lay wood chips/mulch in garden beds to reduce weeds coming through. If the property has extensive gardens it may pay to include gardening or lawn maintenance in the rent. This can increase your weekly rent, is tax deductible and more importantly ensures your lawns and 
gardens are kept in good condition.

2. Painting

Quality paint is an essential in a rental property. Never be tempted to cut costs by using cheap paint whether it be for the interior or exterior. Even the easiest of scuffs and marks can be difficult to wash off cheap paint and interior walls can quickly begin to look worse for wear with fading and peeling. Purchasing a low sheen wash and wear paint that can handle everyday living. Unsightly walls can turn off a good tenant after all a good tenant will take pride in their new home and treat a property as if it were there own.

3. Flooring

When it comes to flooring purchasing carpet on the cheap can be a very costly expense. Speak to your local flooring specialist before purchasing any carpet as the wrong type could mean replacing flooring earlier than expected. High traffic areas such as walkways can wear very quickly if the incorrect type of carpet is laid. Light coloured carpets can make traffic wear and even the smallest of marks stand out. However be careful not to select a colour that is too dark as they can begin to look faded and tired especially in rooms that get a lot of sunlight. Play safe and stick to neutral colours.
Wood laminate flooring is an effective but low cost alternative to hard wood flooring. Hard wood flooring is more susceptible to scratching and will show wear especially in heavy trafficked area. Using felt stoppers on furniture is one of the best ways to stop scratching on both wood laminate and wood flooring.

4. Blinds

Cheap blinds can be a nightmare and it can be easier to replace rather than repair. Plastic and aluminium Venetian blinds can have a very short life span. When peeking out the window to see who is at the door it is easy to bend or crease the aluminum blinds. Selecting blinds that are easy to clean is the best option. Speak to a reputable blinds company for their suggestions on the blinds that will suit the needs of your rental property to ensure they will still look great in a few years time.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Best Way to Store Your Veggies!

Whilst we’re all used to storing our vegetables in the refrigerator, most often wrapped in plastic or kept in plastic bags, it’s not always the best solution for keeping them fresh. Check out this great reference list from the Washington Green Grocer that helps you reduce your use of plastic and get to know your vegetables, and your fruit, a little better.

Artichokes‐ place in an airtight container sealed, with light moisture.
Asparagus‐ place them loosely in a glass or bowl upright with water at room temperature. (Will keep for a week outside the fridge)
Avocados‐ place in a paper bag at room temp. To speed up their ripening‐ place an apple in the bag with them.
Arugula‐ arugula, like lettuce, should not stay wet! Dunk in cold water and spin or lay flat to dry. Place dry arugula in an open container, wrapped with a dry towel to absorb any extra moisture.
Basil‐ is difficult to store well. Basil does not like the cold, or to be wet for that matter. The best method here is an airtight container/jar loosely packed with a small damp piece of paper inside‐left out on a cool counter.
Beans, shelling‐ open container in the fridge, eat ASAP. Some recommend freezing them if not going to eat right away
Beets‐ cut the tops off to keep beets firm, (be sure to keep the greens!)by leaving any top on root vegetables draws moisture from the root, making them loose flavor and firmness. Beets should be washed and kept in and open container with a wet towel on top.
Beet greens‐ place in an airtight container with a little moisture.
Broccoli‐ place in an open container in the fridge or wrap in a damp towel before placing in the fridge.
Broccoli Rabe‐ left in an open container in the crisper, but best used as soon as possible.
Brussels Sprouts If bought on the stalk leave them on that stalk. Put the stalk in the fridge or leave it on a cold place. If they’re bought loose store them in an open container with a damp towel on top.
Cabbage left out on a cool counter is fine up to a week, in the crisper otherwise. Peel off outer leaves if they start to wilt. Cabbage might begin to loose its moisture after a week , so, best used as soon as possible.
Carrots‐ cut the tops off to keep them fresh longer. Place them in closed container with plenty of moisture, either wrapped in a damp towel or dunk them in cold water every couple of days if they’re stored that long.
Cauliflower‐ will last a while in a closed container in the fridge, but they say cauliflower has the best flavor the day it’s bought.
Celery‐ does best when simply places in a cup or bowl of shallow water on the counter.
Celery root/Celeriac‐ wrap the root in a damp towel and place in the crisper.
Corn‐ leave unhusked in an open container if you must, but corn really is best eaten sooner then later for maximum flavor.
Cucumber‐ wrapped in a moist towel in the fridge. If you’re planning on eating them within a day or two after buying them they should be fine left out in a cool room.
Eggplant does fine left out in a cool room. Don’t wash it, eggplant doesn’t like any extra moisture around its leaves. For longer storage‐ place loose, in the crisper.
Fava beans‐ place in an air tight container.
Fennel‐ if used within a couple days after it’s bought fennel can be left out on the counter, upright in a cup or bowl of water (like celery). If wanting to keep longer than a few days place in the fridge in a closed container with a little water.
Garlic‐ store in a cool, dark, place.
Green garlic‐an airtight container in the fridge or left out for a day or two is fine, best before dried out.
Greens remove any bands, twist ties, etc. most greens must be kept in an air‐tight container with a damp cloth‐ to keep them from drying out. Kale, collards, and chard even do well in a cup of water on the counter or fridge.
Green beans‐ they like humidity, but not wetness. A damp cloth draped over an open or loosely closed container.
Green Tomatoes‐ store in a cool room away from the sun to keep them green and use quickly or they will begin to color.
Herbs- a closed container in the fridge to kept up to a week. Any longer might encourage mold.
Lettuce‐ keep damp in an airtight container in the fridge.
Leeks‐ leave in an open container in the crisper wrapped in a damp cloth or in a shallow cup of water on the counter (just so the very bottom of the stem has water).
Okra‐ doesn’t like humidity. So a dry towel in an airtight container. Doesn’t store that well, best eaten quickly after purchase
Onion‐ store in a cool, dark and dry, place‐ good air circulation is best, so don’t stack them.
Parsnips‐an open container in the crisper, or, like a carrot, wrapped in a damp cloth in the fridge.
Potatoes‐ (like garlic and onions) store in cool, dark and dry place, such as, a box in a dark corner of the pantry; a paper bag also works well.
Radicchio‐ place in the fridge in an open container with a damp cloth on top.
Radishes‐ remove the greens (store separately) so they don’t draw out excess moisture from the roots and place them in a open container in the fridge with a wet towel placed on top.
Rhubarb‐ wrap in a damp towel and place in an open container in the refrigerator.
Rutabagas in an ideal situation a cool, dark, humid root cellar or a closed container in the crisper to keep their moisture in.
Snap peas‐ refrigerate in an open container
Spinach store loose in an open container in the crisper, cool as soon as possible. Spinach loves to stay cold.
Spring onions‐ Remove any band or tie and place in the crisper.
Summer Squash‐ does fine for a few days if left out on a cool counter, even after cut.
Sweet peppers‐ Only wash them right before you plan on eating them as wetness decreases storage time. Store in a cool room to use in a couple a days, place in the crisper if longer storage needed.
Sweet Potatoes‐ Store in a cool, dark, well‐ventilated place. Never refrigerate‐‐sweet potatoes don’t like the cold.
Tomatoes Never refrigerate. Depending on ripeness, tomatoes can stay for up to two weeks on the counter. To hasten ripeness place in a paper bag with an apple.
Turnips remove the greens (store separately) same as radishes and beets, store them in an open container with a moist cloth.
Winter squashstore in a cool, dark, well ventilated place. Many growers say winter squashes get sweeter if they’re stored for a week or so before eaten.
Zucchini‐ does fine for a few days if left out on a cool counter, even after cut. Wrap in a cloth and refrigerate for longer storage.


Tuesday, September 25, 2012

$5 Can make the world of difference

Do You Have A Spare $5 ?

As little as $5 can make the world of difference to this little boy !

Meet Komang ....  

Four hours from the chaos of Kuta, up a steep hill, past the chickens, the tied-up bull and the villagers who gather to see the rare visitors, a small four-year-old boy looks up from the toy truck he pushes with his twisted, malformed arms.
His eyes are glassy, his eyelids can't close and his skin is covered in what looks like scales.
According to all medical odds, the little Balinese boy should not be alive.
The rare genetic condition that renders his skin cracked and hardened - known as harlequin ichthyosis - typically kills babies just after birth and Komang's survival is nothing short of a miracle.
"When he was born, his skin looked like this . . . like plastic," his father Wayan Muderawan said.
Until just two months ago, Komang remained undiagnosed and out of sight, surviving each day the same way he has since birth - in constant pain and barely able to move.
Then he came to the attention of Australian charity worker Helen Flavel. She forwarded photos of his skin to a dietitian who diagnosed the condition from photographs.
There is no cure. But for the past two months, Komang's condition has eased and - in the long term - he will ultimately be kept alive by the simplest of things: jars of Vaseline brought to the holiday island by tourists and left at a bar in Kuta. The Vaseline, which is nearly impossible to source in Indonesia, is applied to his skin twice daily.
As word has spread a growing stream of Perth tourists drop off jars of Vaseline at a collection point set up at The Bamboo Bar and Grill in Kuta.
"I saw pictures of him and just wanted to help him," Gaynor Richardson, from Currambine, said.
She wipes back tears. "He is amazing, absolutely amazing," she said. "Just a little chap that just needs help . . . that is so happy and contented."
Cradling his son in his arms, Wayan said the change in the past few weeks has been miraculous. "Komang's ears are coming up and the eyelashes and eyebrows are growing," he said.
"And now he can eat by himself using a spoon. Before he couldn't do that. He is a cheerful boy. He loves to play." 

If you'd like to help, take your donation of Vaseline to  L J Hooker Leeming

Shop 29, Leeming Forum Shopping Centre, Leeming WA 6149

Article by Steve Pennells Bali, The West Australian -

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Seller’s guide to choosing an agent

Seller’s guide to choosing an agent

A piece of real estate is generally a person’s most valuable asset, so when it comes to realising that value it all comes down to the sale.

Property owners value the role a sales agent plays but can be unsure of how to make an agent selection.

The real estate agent provides a service as an intermediary between sellers and buyers, finding sellers who wish to sell and buyers who wish to buy.

A trained, licensed and experienced agent has the expertise to guide the process from the listing of the property, the introduction of the buyers, and the negotiation through to the completion of the sale transaction.

Property owners, especially participating in the selling process for the first time, can be unsure of how to make their choice of agent to market and sell to get the best result on their behalf.

LJ Hooker Leeming offers a series of questions that sellers can pose to potential agents.

  • How long have you been selling real estate?
  • How long has your agency been operating?
  • How many properties have you sold in the last 12 months?
  • From what advertising sources do the majority of buyers come
  • Approximately how many purchasers do you have listed on your database who might    be interested in inspecting my property for sale?
  • Do you advertising online?
  • If yes, what sites do you use?
  • Are Open Homes a good idea?
  • What is your agency’s attitude to auction and private treaty campaign?
  • If I were to auction, what is your agency’s performance in the last six months of properties sold? Prior to auction? Under the hammer? After the auction?
  • Over the last six months what has been the average time of market for your agency?
  • What is the average time period from marketing to offer to acceptance?
  • What is the length of your agency period?
  • If I am not happy with your service what recourse do I have?
  • Do you have references and can I call the referees if I have questions I’d like to ask?
  • Do you have any customer testimonials or referrals I can see ?
  • Why should I appoint you as my selling agent?

You want an agent who is prepared to spend time to make sure 
you feel comfortable and secure with their knowledge and experience, who will listen to you and communicate with you, and ask you just as many questions.

Our experience with happy customers suggests qualities that make agents stand out include strong communicator, excellent negotiator, assertiveness, effective use made of online marketing and social media, and good evidence of repeat business from satisfied customers.